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these i have loved

these i have loved

Water collapsing from the towering barrier of rock ,

 Into the pond , the boulders ringed the water , 

but there was a slot in the rocks were the water keeps falling . 

It was a strong flow of water crashing down,

It had a mysterest glare, 

Then dissolved into the trees.



The pictures on the wall were as cold as her finger tips. The wall was as blank as the birch rocking chair her grandma had. Here bear feet felt like they were dipped in liquid nitrogen. Her teddy was her only company while she looked into the darkness of the room. She heard her parents yelling from above.. It was time to leave the secret basement…

Do you think your parents should buy you a pet?

Do you think your parents should buy you a pet?

Do you think your parents should buy you a pet?

Because I think my parents should buy me an animal because I have wanted one for a while. If you already have an animal this writing is not for you. But here are some reasons why i should get a pet!!!!


I know pets can be fun to play with, especially if you have had a hard day at school and you just want to chill at home with a pet ( aka Companionship ).


It would be stupid if i didn’t have one because everyone has one, i don’t know anyone who doesnt have one, you can also get all kinds off pets they could do all sorts of different thing like a turtles/fish can swim dogs and cat can run and all sorts of other things.


I would be a reasonably good owner, I would feed it, clean it’s bowl or whatever it will sleep in and I would make sure it gets enough exercise, so take it for walks and not only the pet but me too i’m getting exercise.


I know I would love to have a pet because i have had one before and it was great, It would be a good distraction for when i get home from a long scooter home from school.

that’s why i think i would be good with a pet!!

By Cody

old man billy

old man billy


There was an old man he was furious at the town fock for banishing him from their old town. he woke up he just couldn’t stand being alone anymore it’s been 20 years 

Seen he was banished he got on this dirt bike and rode to the old town he had a gun strapped to his back and 2 knives at his side. He pointed his gun at the guards  outside the mayor’s office then he shoot the door flung open he had shot the lock the mayor went flying out the window with a bullet in his head.

perfect classroom

perfect classroom

NO work the class will have no work and projectors all over the walls gaming consoles connected to the projectors and gaming pcs in the middle of the class gaming chairs and video games being played everywhere and no girls



 Dear farmer pewdiepie      

We don’t have enough food for our baby chicks

If we don’t get more food we wont 

Let you kill us for chicken nuggets at maccas

Sincerely the chickens

Dear chickens

Thats all the food we buy 


We have to have the chicken nuggets we get $420

For every chicken nugget

Sincerely the farmer

Dear shrek and donald trump

Our farmer has been giving all the food

 on the farm to the cows 

Sincerely the chickens on the farm outside area 51 

  Dear farmer 

Give the chickens food or i will launch 15 nukes

To your farm 

Sincerely donald trump and shrek 

Dear thanos 

My chickens, Donald trump and shrek are trying to get me

To give them more food can you thanos snap them out of Existence

Sincerely the farmer 

Dear farmer 

We don’t have enough food for our calfs 

Sincerely the Giraffe






  UwU my holiday UwU 

HoLiDaY WaS TrAsH 

WoRkEd ThE HoLe TiMe 

   BiNgE WaTcHeD  StRaNgEr ThInGs

NeW SpIdEr MaN 



WiTh CoUsInS  

james hargest

james hargest

I think we should have james hargest because its fun, enjoyable and exciting here’s why.


James hargest is a sports exchange when james hargest college and OIS come together for competitive sports.

It has been going for thirty years.


I know You could learn a different sport that you enjoy and have wanted to play for years

It’s posible We could learn some things from them like how they do math or reading.


You would enjoy making new friends from the other school or your team

Maybe people could have some stuff going on at home and want to escape that

You could try new food from a different country from your billet.


You could get some exercise from running and training. 

It is an unforgettable experience trust me i would know. 




I think we should have phones at school here’s why 

You could block social media, games and other things we are normally not allowed when We are on the wifi Also we could use apps that we cant use on chrome books.


Students may have to report an emergency or have to contact their parents if the school has closed because of an accident or something.


Phones can be used as reminders like an alert like if they have to go home early or if they have to go to a meeting.


phones can be used in educational communication while in school or classroom

Students need the internet to do research. And that’s why I think students should be allowed to use phones in school.


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